
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Top 6 Brilliant Ways to Treat Bacterial Vaginosis

Are you aware of the methods to treat bacterial vaginosis? Almost every woman will be having some idea about this disease because it is very commonly seen and heard of from olden days. There was only one aim in my mind to create this article which was to shed some light on this frustrating illness and about ways to treat bacterial vaginosis. Here are a few vital measures which will help you to overcome your difficulty effectively.

  • Maintaining proper hygiene is the most important step to treat bacterial vaginosis. Always practice wiping from vagina to the anus after defecation which helps to prevent the entrance of E coli into the vaginal canal from the rectum. Keep your vaginal area clean and dry. Moist environment is favorable for the harmful bacteria to grow and reproduce. Adopt measures which will help to shatter the living environment of the pathogens.
  • Stop douching as it can disturb the natural vaginal flora which again serves as a medium for the bad bacteria to survive. It can also be responsible for the spread of the infection to the reproductive organs.
  • Always make it a point to clean your vaginal surface before and after performing an act. Wash the area thoroughly with an antibacterial cleanser and pat off the excess moisture from the area.
  • Use cotton underwear’s as they help in the proper ventilation of the skin. This is one of the best ways to treat bacterial vaginosis naturally. When you wear synthetic or lacy lingerie’s moisture is trapped at the area which worsens your illness.
  • Do not use scented toilet paper as they can cause irritation to the skin around the vaginal canal leading to infection and inflammation.
  • If you are having multiple sexual partners make sure that you use condoms before an intercourse. Regular use of condoms will help to prevent the spread of infection.
Following these tips regularly will help to treat bacterial vaginosis and cure it naturally and effectively. If you find your symptoms persisting and unresponsive consult a doctor immediately as some cases require oral medications.